
The Literary Cloud

Connecting Creators With Opportunities

Welcome to the Literary Cloud

A Revolutionary Platform for Authors, Publishers, and Literary Agencies

Discover, Collaborate, and Publish. Where Creativity Meets Opportunity For Everything With More Than Fifty Pages

Get Started Features

No credit card required. A free account gives access to many features.

For Authors

Showcase your manuscripts and find the perfect literary agent and publisher to bring your stories to life. Browse hundreds of literary agents and publishers with phone numbers and email contacts. Autogenerate book proposals and inquiry letters, define your target audience, and more.

For Literary Agents and Publishers

Discover fresh talent and innovative ideas to enrich your publishing portfolio. Browse manuscripts by new authors and contact them directly. Create and manage your profile and tell authors what you are looking for.

Collaborative Tools

Our platform makes it easy to communicate, share feedback, and track progress. Registered users can read and leave comments on manuscripts and get inspired. Authors can pitch their ideas for new books and post book proposals.

Literary Hangman Game

Welcome to Literary Hangman!

The goal is to guess the hidden literary-themed word letter by letter before exceeding the maximum number of wrong guesses.

Click on a letter button to make a guess. Correct guesses will reveal the letter(s) in the word, while wrong guesses will count against you. You lose if you reach 6 wrong guesses before uncovering the word.

Wrong guesses: 0 /